Let us make possible the change you are yet to imagine

We are Butterfly, a strategy consultancy that transforms brands and businesses. We open pathways to the unexplored to find new possibilities for growth.


Visionary strategies with tangible results today and a positive impact tomorrow.

  • Gen Z and Gender
    Gen Z and Gender

    Gen Z and Gender

    Generation Z are a generation that questions everything that came before them. Whatever it was, it’s there to be put under the m...

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  • Let’s Rebrand Brand Purpose
  • Actualising Sustainable Growth
  • Gen Z and Gender

    Gen Z and Gender

    Generation Z are a generation that questions everything that came before them. Whatever it...

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  • Let’s Rebrand Brand Purpose

    Let’s Rebrand Brand Purpose

    Brand purpose needs a rebrand. It isn’t what you say or why. It isn’t how a brand loo...

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  • Actualising Sustainable Growth

    Actualising Sustainable Growth

    Sustainable growth doesn’t happen by chance. It is more than just being in the right pla...

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  • Global brands, global impact